FLP Open Meeting: Tucker Pforzheimer, MV Mycological

Date of Event: 

Tuesday, November 13, 2018 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm

Location of Event: 

CGIS Knafel Building - K354 (1737 Cambridge St.)

Tucker Pforzheimer, ’13 and Truman French, ’13 have a passion for shiitakes, which led them to start a mushroom farm on Martha’s Vineyard. Maybe shiitakes aren’t the first food that comes to mind when you think of New England cuisine, but what foods do come to mind? What does the food we eat every day tell us about where we come from? Tucker will share what it takes to start a mushroom farm and how success in the industry impacts the greater food system.

SIGN UP: https://flpmvmycological18.eventbrite.com